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Bella Guanilo


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How to Become a Real Estate Investor Without Any Formal Education or Knowledge of the Business

Today we’re talking about how to become a real estate investor without any formal education or knowledge of the business. Let’s get it started.

This one is for all of you underdogs out there. Hate it or love it, the Dingo underdog is always on top. All I can say is you’re in an absolutely beautiful position. You know why? Because you’ve got nothing to lose.

You Can Do It—Regardless of Whatever You Think Will Hold You Back

Look, when I started my journey over 10 years ago, I didn’t know anything—probably like many of you don’t. I probably in a much worse position than you are, because I had absolutely no education whatsoever.


Where I Started

I quit school at the age of 14 for the purpose of training twice a day to potentially have the chance to be a professional soccer player. I did fulfill that and consider it one of my biggest achievements to date.

Unfortunately, things did not work out there, so I decided to take another path. That path eventually led me to real estate.

Still, I worked as a laborer for four years and saved every bit of money that I could. I always believed there was something bigger and better out there for me.


What I Overcame

Going back to my disabilities that I have like quitting school at such a young age, I can also hardly write. I do have this fancy Mont Blanc pen, but I just use it to sign stuff. Even to this day, I still can’t write a bloody check. I always get it wrong. I have to have Dominique, my wife, write all my checks for me and I just sign them.

So, I can’t write that well, and I guess I suffer from something called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. When I read something, my mind doesn’t register what I’ve read, and I have to reread it again. Then I start sweating.

Female trainer assisting woman to climb a wooden wall

Oh, another thing: my math sucks. But I have learned over time to get faster with numbers, so I guess that’s one of the rare talents that I have.

My grammar is even worse. I have to use the F-bomb to supplement my missing English vocabulary. So all I can say is, if I can do it, so can you. You don’t need any formal education. All that you need is a desire, will, work ethic, and ethics so you in do the right thing.


How I Got Where I Am Today

People always ask me how I achieved so much success and got to where I am. My answer is always the same and always will be the same. I really just wake up before everyone and go to sleep after everyone, and I work harder and smarter.

I have changed a little bit though. I don’t kill myself with work anymore. I’m going down a different path when it comes to working like crazy, chasing the dollar, and making more money. I really don’t believe that will deliver the true happiness we’re all searching for.

Anyway, for all of you guys and girls who are now broke out there and dreaming of something bigger and better, nothing beats hard work. The recipe for success is to wake up every morning by 5:30 a.m., sit down at a desk with a laptop, and do not leave until 7 or 8 p.m.


Then, whatever it is you want to do, absolutely immerse yourself in everything and anything related to that particular topic. I want you to become obsessed and possessed. Literally.

When I caught the real estate bug or the business bug, I started immersing myself in everything and anything, including business, real estate, finance, stocks, and royalties. For whatever reason, I literally became obsessed with it. The passion I had for soccer I replaced with business, investing, and passive income.

Fast forward to today, and I can truly say that I have made it from a financial standpoint and a business standpoint. I truly have made it. Now, I’m looking for a different kind of success. Success in life.

Look, that’s my message to you guys out there. Sit your butt down at 6 a.m., and don’t leave until 7 p.m. Do it every single day, week after week. Eventually, you will learn and figure out what you need to know and get to where you want to be. Just don’t give up.

They say half the work is done just by showing up. If I can do it guys, you can too. That’s it, I’m done.

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